Loftus - Trust the Shark - A Discography (cassette)
For fans of: Heavy Heavy Low Low, Daughters and Orchid.
Beginning in Seal Beach in 2002, California's LOFTUS have been shrouded in mystery and lore for well over a decade. Today, we bring you the complete collected archives of their material including their LP and EP alongside obscure demos and an unfinished EP that is seeing the light of day for the first time.
From throttling, screamy metalcore to trippy space-rock, fans of Orchid, Daughters, The Bled and Isis will be mind-fucked on how they missed out on LOFTUS for so many years. 'Trust the Shark: A Discography' comes on gorgeous variants over two runs:
1st run /111 w/track insert:
66 'Heart in the Dark' swirl
30 'Gimme Halfsies' half pink/half light blue
10 'Hugs and Drugs' gold-plated swirl w/golden ticket & sparkle cover
5 test dips
2nd run /107 w/etched case:
52 'Glitter Confirmed'
25 'Rapture #1' replacement swirl
25 'Rapture #2' replacement swirl
5 test dips
RIP Davis Miller
Tapes include j-card and download code.
Listen here: